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Lessons from the London Marathon

23rd Lessons from the London Marathon Content

The London Marathon. It’s all anyone is talking about this week, and rightly so as some 50,000 people take on the 26.2-mile course every year. They lace up their shoes and sprint towards success because the London Marathon isn't just about crossing the finish line – it’s about achievement, resilience and community. But these attitudes hold invaluable lessons for us in the Employer Branding world too.

Embrace diverse talent

Picture the starting line of the London Marathon – a vibrant picture of individuals from every corner of the country and globe, each with their own story to tell. Just like in recruitment, embracing diverse talent brings a kaleidoscope of perspectives, skills and experiences to the table. Diversity in talent is the secret to building high-performing teams.

Set your sights high

Completing a marathon isn't for the faint-hearted –it takes guts, grit and a whole lot of gumption. Similarly, in the world of recruitment, it's time to crank up the ambition meter. Breakthrough hiring norms, set your goals high and dare to dream big. Whether it's doubling your recruitment pipeline or snagging that elusive candidate, aiming high is the name of the game.

Savour every step of the journey

Just like a marathon, the recruitment journey is not a sprint. Every stage – from the initial candidate search to the final offer negotiation – is a chance to savour the thrill of the chase. Take a page from the marathoner's playbook and relish every mile marker. Each interview and each networking event is a golden opportunity to build connections, hone skills and create a winning team.

Bounce back from setbacks

Marathon runners know a thing or two about resilience. When the going gets tough and the blisters start to bite, it's resilience that separates the winners. Similarly, in recruitment, setbacks are par for the course. But it's how you bounce back that counts. Dust yourself off, learn from your mistakes and come back stronger, wiser and ready to conquer the world.

Rally around your community

What makes the London Marathon truly special isn't just the runners—it's the incredible sense of community that surrounds the event. From the supporters to the volunteers, everyone plays a part in making the magic happen. In recruitment, it's time to rally around our own community. Share insights, swap stories and lift each other up.

As the sun sets on another London Marathon, let's harness the energy, passion, and resilience of this iconic event to charge our recruitment efforts. So, recruiters of the world, let's strap on our running shoes. The finish line awaits – and the glory is ours for the taking.

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