So you think you know your values?Despite a whole heap of challenges and changes over the last nine months, 2020 has actually presented us with a unique opportunity to…09 September 2020
Your secret weapon to emotionally connect with candidatesSound is one of the most powerful tools in branding, affecting decision-making, risk-taking and how we behave. So, why is it often overlooked…16 September 2020
Welcome to the next generationThis year, we have seen a seismic shift in our global workforce - and that’s not even considering the COVID-19 pandemic!…23 September 2020
If you thought Employer Branding & Talent Branding were one and the same, think again!Social media and sector crossbreeding has penned many a new industry term, and it’s this refinement of recruitment practices and communication that has…30 September 2020
The biggest friend you have right now in recruitment is social mediaIt’s no exaggeration to say that social media has changed the world. It has changed the way we communicate, the way we govern…14 October 2020
Your EVP matters more now than ever beforeThink back to 2019; a pre-pandemic world. We thought we understood the world of recruitment. It was comfortable. Predictable. We thought we knew…26 October 2020
Has your culture taken a hit?Picture this pandemic as the enemy at the gates of your organisation. It’s throwing challenge after challenge your way. You’ve gone from working…05 November 2020
How can we nourish company culture without an office?Creating and maintaining a positive company culture that is not only authentic, but felt by people both inside and outside of your organisation,…11 November 2020
21st century candidatesWe love to talk about millennials in the recruitment world, don’t we? Generation Z too. Digital natives; tech savvy; social media experts, the…17 November 2020