If you're leaving a job because of a fridge battle, life's not too bad!It’s the little things that can really rankle in the workplace. Making sure people’s yogurt is safe can be a part of your…21 March 2019
So you reckon you know what your £10 might be worth?April Fool's Day is traditionally the day lots of prices go up. So we look at what your pint will cost around the…01 April 2019
Generation Z - if it's not on YouTube, it's not happening!Generation Z. So will they fit in, as they join the workplace? And will we get on with them when they do?…25 April 2019
Jack Nicholson in 'The Shining' writes the Perfect Job AdvertRadisson RED writes a dodgy job ad. WeLove9am send them a copy of our book - and donates the cover price to charity…10 June 2019
Breaking the Job Ad mould - Less advert, more invitationThe times have changed when it comes to recruitment, so how do you make sure your job ad stands out in an…13 November 2019
Is TikTok the future of employer branding?It’s been downloaded 1.5 billion times worldwide. Around 1 in 5 people have the app on their phone. And it’s most popular with…29 April 2020
Prepare your employer brand for the end gameBack in the day, oh, how simple it all seemed.…29 April 2020
Welcome to the next generationThis year, we have seen a seismic shift in our global workforce - and that’s not even considering the COVID-19 pandemic!…23 September 2020
The biggest friend you have right now in recruitment is social mediaIt’s no exaggeration to say that social media has changed the world. It has changed the way we communicate, the way we govern…14 October 2020